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Bitter Bickering Muddies the Path to Ending the Government Shutdown

Democrats are far more concerned with Illegal Immigrants than they are with our great Military or Safety at our dangerous Southern Border. They could have easily made a deal but decided to play Shutdown politics instead. #WeNeedMoreRepublicansIn18 in order to power through mess! Powered by WPeMatico

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Open, Closed or Something in Between: What a Shutdown Looks Like

Yet millions of Americans will not notice the effect of the shutdown on their daily lives, and some of the most visible examples of previous government shutdowns — the closing of national parks — will not happen this time. The Interior Department said attractions like the Grand Canyon and the World War II Memorial on the National Mall would be open to visitors, though the National Park Service will close its offices and no longer provide services like cleaning…

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After Vowing to Fix Washington, Trump Is Mired in a Familiar Crisis

As negotiators on Capitol Hill held out hope of a swift agreement that could end the impasse before the weekend was out, the House and the Senate reconvened for a rare Saturday session. The likeliest path to reopening the government was an agreement on a stopgap spending measure that stretched longer than the few days that Senate Democrats wanted, but shorter than the four weeks that the House approved on Thursday night. But agreeing on the length of the…

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Trump Appointee Resigns and Apologizes for Racist Comments

Most of Mr. Higbie’s offensive comments, which were unearthed by CNN, were made in 2013 and 2014. While hosting an internet radio broadcast, “Sound of Freedom,” in 2013, Mr. Higbie spoke of the “high percentage of people on welfare in the black race,” blaming “a lax of morality.” He added that taxpayers “are tired of supporting government checks going to these people who think that breeding is a form of employment,” CNN reported. Mr. Higbie, 34, who is from…

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Patrick Meehan’s Response to The Times’s Article on His Settlement for Misconduct

Photo Representative Patrick Meehan, Republican of Pennsylvania, used taxpayer money to pay a former aide who had seen him as a father figure before she said he made unwanted advances. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Time The New York Times received the following statement on Saturday from the office of Representative Patrick Meehan, Republican of Pennsylvania, in response to reporting that Mr. Meehan had used taxpayer funds to settle a case of sexual misconduct with a female staffer in…

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The Longer It Lasts, the More a Shutdown Could Hurt the Economy

Economic activity typically snaps back soon after a shutdown ends, but not before the partial stoppage damages growth. A 16-day shutdown in October 2013, for example, may have cost $20 billion in output, cutting 0.5 percentage point off the annualized economic growth rate in the fourth quarter, according to the securities rating firm Moody’s. At that shutdown’s peak, 850,000 federal employees were furloughed for a total of 6.6 million workdays. Paying them for days not worked cost $2 billion….

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Congressman Combating Harassment Settled His Own Misconduct Case

Mr. Meehan called on the former aide to waive the confidentiality agreement in the settlement “to ensure a full and open airing of all the facts.” Mr. Elizandro did not respond to follow-up questions about why Mr. Meehan had agreed to the settlement and the confidentiality provision if the allegations were false. Alexis Ronickher, a lawyer for the former aide, called Mr. Meehan’s statement “a desperate effort to preserve his career.” She said the congressman had demanded confidentiality in…

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The National Rifle Association’s Telegenic Warrior

Ann Coulter found her voice as a Cassandra for the right in the early 2000s. In the Trump era, Ms. Loesch has found hers as a telegenic warrior for the N.R.A. She shares some characteristics with President Trump, said Megyn Kelly, the NBC talk show host who used to have her on as a guest on Fox News when Ms. Kelly had a show there. “She is compelling television,” she said. Even Ms. Kelly, a friend, has noticed that…

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Approaching Shutdown:Scenes From the Capital

Advertisement On a typical Friday in Washington, lawmakers might be returning home, the president might be visiting one of his golf clubs and tour groups might be roaming an otherwise empty Capitol. This week, only the tours went according to plan. Negotiations between President Trump and members of Congress in both parties over a deal to fund the government while protecting the young undocumented immigrants known as Dreamers fell apart in recent days. The House passed a stopgap spending…

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