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To Pay for Wall, Trump Would Cut Proven Border Security Measures

David Bier, a policy analyst with the Cato Institute, said a border wall would do little to stop the drug trade. Most of the cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines smuggled into the United States come through legal ports of entry rather than areas that would be stopped by a wall, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. Nor would a wall stop illegal immigration, other experts said. Data from the Department of Homeland Security and research groups like the New York-based…

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Mueller Positions for Trump Interview, as Lawyers Assess Risk of Investigation

The obstruction investigation focuses on whether Mr. Trump broke the law by asking Mr. Comey to end the investigation into Mr. Flynn and whether he fired Mr. Comey to try to hinder the F.B.I. investigation into Russia-related matters. Shortly after dismissing Mr. Comey in May, the president told Russian diplomats in an Oval Office meeting that doing so had relieved “great pressure” on him. Mr. Trump has sat for depositions before and shown discipline when under oath. His testimony…

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Trump Overstates Size of Tax Cuts in Speech to Farmers

The inaccurate boast was part of a speech in which the president sought to underscore the benefits that middle-class families would receive as part of the tax overhaul, which he described as “massive tax cuts” after “years of crushing taxes, crippling regulations and corrupt politics.” To applause from thousands of farmers in the audience, Mr. Trump said the tax cut would exempt most family farms from the estate tax. “From now on, most family farms and small business owners…

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Fusion GPS Founder Hauled From the Shadows for the Russia Election Investigation

Republican leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee have asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Mr. Steele, whom Mr. Simpson hired, lied to federal authorities about his contacts with journalists. Mr. Simpson himself has been hauled before three congressional committees for some 20 hours of questions and answers, placing him among the most significant players in the Trump-Russia affair, if math is the metric. “Uncooperative,” Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, said of Mr. Simpson’s turn before the…

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As Economy Strengthens, Fed Ponders New Approach

“The right timing of this debate is really now because the U.S. economy has fully recovered from this recession,” Mr. Williams said. Patrick Harker, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, told attendees at the economics gathering in Philadelphia that there was an urgent need for more and better research on the available alternatives. “The most important issue on the table right now is that we need to consider the possibility of a new economic normal that…

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Trump Takes Field at College Football Championship Game

But Mr. Trump’s appearance placed him at an event that drew widespread attention from two states he carried in the 2016 presidential race and would be certain to need to win re-election in 2020. Still, observers of Southern politics — with allegiances to both teams — said Mr. Trump’s visit was unlikely to sway many voters inside or outside Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Charles S. Bullock III, a University of Georgia political scientist who was not planning to attend the game,…

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Oprah 2020? Democrats Swing From Giddy to Skeptical at the Prospect

In the imagination of some Democrats, Ms. Winfrey might offer an easy way out of those problems. She inspires crucial groups for the party — women and African-Americans — and alienates few. She has cast herself in American culture as an avatar of optimism, not defined in ideological terms. Having made a career out of preaching the values of empowerment and inclusion, she represents in some ways a natural counterpoint to Mr. Trump’s proud pugilism. Senior Democrats in Washington…

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Publisher Defied Trump to ‘Defend the Principles of the First Amendment’

On Monday, John Sargent, the chief executive of Macmillan, Holt’s parent company, sent a letter to the company’s employees, arguing that “as citizens we must demand that President Trump understand and abide by the First Amendment of our Constitution.” In an interview with The New York Times on Monday, Mr. Sargent spoke about the response generated by “Fire and Fury.” This interview has been condensed and edited. What was your initial reaction when you learned of the cease-and-desist letter?…

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Rick Perry’s Plan to Rescue Struggling Coal and Nuclear Plants Is Rejected

Opponents of Mr. Perry’s proposal also pointed out that blackouts usually occurred because of problems with transmission lines — not because power plants had insufficient fuel on site. In its decision, the commission largely sided with the critics, noting that grid operators have so far proven adept at keeping the lights on even as natural gas, wind and solar have crowded out baseload coal and nuclear plants, which were once favored by utilities because they can reliably generate power…

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