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Global Durham | Watch News Videos Online

February 14 2018 6:15pm Global Durham newscast for Wednesday, February 14, 2018. Hosted by Crystal Goomansingh. ‘ }); } else { var rel_id = svp.releaseInfo.contentId+””; if( typeof gnca_social_share_collection ); } }; // don’t do on IE, doesn’t work yet if ( !gNews.Common.isIE && !gNews.Common.isTrident && gNews.Common.isFlash ) { var gnca_videoShareCallbackInterval = window.setInterval( function() { //console.log(‘…

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Ice damming causing problems in the Durham Region | Watch News Videos Online

February 14 2018 5:30pm The freeze-thaw cycle we’ve been experiencing this winter is starting to affect some homes in the Durham region. All of the buildup of ice and water is creating some big, and sometimes expensive problems. Aaron Streck has the story. ‘ }); } else { var rel_id = svp.releaseInfo.contentId+””; if( typeof gnca_social_share_collection…

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Patrick Brown says he is the victim of a ‘fabricated political assassination’

WARNING: This story contains sexually explicit language, discretion is advised. Former Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown says he has proof the sexual misconduct accusations against him – that he plied two women with drinks before advancing on them – are false. And now one of his accusers has changed part of her story. “It’s been horrific. It’s like getting hit by a car. You’re in shock,” Brown said in his first televised interview since CTV revealed the explosive…

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Trump, a Week After Porter Resigned, Says He’s ‘Totally Opposed’ to Spousal Abuse

The F.B.I. learned about the allegations from the two women soon after Mr. Trump was inaugurated. But spokesmen and spokeswomen for the White House have insisted that no senior White House officials knew of the spousal abuse allegations against Mr. Porter until last week. They have said the career government employees at the White House personnel security office who processed the clearances did not tell them about the allegations uncovered by the F.B.I. Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South…

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Riding an Untamed Horse: Priebus Opens Up on Serving Trump

The meeting that nearly led to Mr. Session’s resignation came last May shortly after the president fired James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director who was heading an investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and any cooperation with Mr. Trump’s campaign. The dismissal of Mr. Comey, which Mr. Trump in an interview with NBC News linked to his unhappiness with the Russia investigation, triggered the appointment of a special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to the ire…

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Senators Strike Bipartisan Deal on Immigration Despite Veto Threat

The bipartisan measure would include $25 billion for the president’s proposed wall at the Mexican border and offer a path to citizenship for 1.8 million of the young undocumented immigrants, but would preclude their parents from becoming citizens, Mr. Graham said. But in a morning statement, Mr. Trump urged senators to oppose any bill that did not also embrace the “four pillars” of his immigration approach, which includes a rewrite of the nation’s immigration laws that would close the…

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Michael D. Cohen, Trump’s Longtime Lawyer, Says He Paid Stormy Daniels Out of His Own Pocket

Mr. Cohen’s statement about what he called “a private transaction” was the first time that he had acknowledged a role in the payment, which was first reported in January by The Wall Street Journal. Mr. Cohen said that he had given a similar statement to the Federal Election Commission in response to a complaint filed by the government watchdog group Common Cause, which contended that the payment, made through a limited liability company that Mr. Cohen established, was an…

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It Took Trump to Make Superchunk Go Political

“It was about time,” said Ms. Ballance, who along with Mr. McCaughan also runs the respected independent record label Merge. “It’s all very Mac-driven. He’s always got ideas, and after a while, he resurfaces with stuff written.” It helps when he’s angry, she added. The album’s primary emotion at times is a blinding, sputtering fury. On the squalling “I Got Cut,” Mr. McCaughan spews bile from the start: “All these old men won’t die too soon.” But there’s a…

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Trump’s Military Parade Could Cost $30 Million

.@RepBarbaraLee: “How much is that parade going to cost and where is that money coming from?”@mickmulvaneyomb: “I’ve seen various different cost estimates from between I think $10 million and $30 million depending on the size of the parade.” pic.twitter.com/vsgO02PMPi Powered by WPeMatico

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The Trump Administration Is Optimistic About Economic Growth. Be Skeptical.

Advertisement President Trump has been nothing if not bold in his promises to generate supercharged economic growth. When a report showed a strong 3.3 percent growth rate last fall, he said, “I see no reason why we don’t go to 4 percent, 5 percent, and even 6 percent,” and he has spoken wistfully of emerging economies where growth can reach higher than that. Even if you treat those musings as presidential bombast, his administration is making detailed projections that…

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