On this Christmas Day, many parts of Canada are covered in snow, and more is on the way. The weather is also taking its toll on the airways and the highways in the U.S. Nadia Stewart reports.
} else {
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var resp = jQuery.parseJSON( jQuery.ajax({
url: “/gnca-ajax/videoshare-links/{“id”:”” + svp.releaseInfo.contentId + “”}/”,
async: false
gnca_social_share_collection[rel_id] = resp;
jQuery(‘#videoContainer’).gnca_socialVideoShare(‘init’, gnca_social_share_collection[rel_id] );
// don’t do on IE, doesn’t work yet
if ( !gNews.Common.isIE && !gNews.Common.isTrident && gNews.Common.isFlash ) {
var gnca_videoShareCallbackInterval = window.setInterval(
function() {
//console.log(‘ !!! gnca_shareVideoCallback REGISTRATION !!! ‘);
// exit if required obj isn’t set yet
try {
if ( !svp || !svp.setShareFunction || !svp.flashPlayerObjectId )
// still here?? svp object must exist, register share-button callback
svp.setShareFunction( gnca_videoShareCallback);
// remove interval
window.clearInterval( gnca_videoShareCallbackInterval );
gnca_videoShareCallbackInterval = false;
} catch (e) {};
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