
Fake News Land presents the latest News from across North America

A List of the Companies Cutting Ties With the N.R.A.

Banking Kevin C. Langin, a spokesman for the First National Bank of Omaha, said in a statement on Thursday that customer feedback had prompted a review of its contract with the N.R.A. “As a result, First National Bank of Omaha will not renew its contract with the National Rifle Association to issue the N.R.A. Visa Card,” the statement said. Travel and Transport On Saturday, Delta Air Lines said on Twitter that it was ending its contract with the association…

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How Skadden, the Giant Law Firm, Got Entangled in the Mueller Investigation

Skadden’s work advising controversial foreign clients was probably prompted by the same aggressive risk-taking that fueled the firm’s rise from scrappy upstart to top-grossing legal giant with a range of practice areas, said Lincoln Caplan, a research scholar at Yale Law School and the author of “Skadden: Power, Money, and the Rise of a Legal Empire.” “The mentality is that Skadden wouldn’t be afraid of doing something like this, if there was a chance to utilize their skills and…

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European Ex-Officials Deny Being Paid by Manafort to Lobby for Ukraine

But Mr. Prodi said the funds he had been paid by Mr. Gusenbauer did not come, to his knowledge, from Mr. Manafort. The compensation from Mr. Gusenbauer was a result of the “normal private relations I had with him.” Mr. Prodi said, but “not any money from external sources.” He added: “I tell you I have never been paid from any lobby group in America.” In a statement to the BBC, Mr. Gusenbauer, who led Austria from January 2007…

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Why Your Pharmacist Can’t Tell You That $20 Prescription Could Cost Only $8

Alex M. Azar II, the new secretary of health and human services, who was a top executive at the drugmaker Eli Lilly for nearly 10 years, echoed that concern. “That shouldn’t be happening,” he said. Pharmacy benefit managers say they hold down costs for consumers by negotiating prices with drug manufacturers and retail drugstores, but their practices have come under intense scrutiny. The White House Council of Economic Advisers said in a report this month that large pharmacy benefit…

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‘Crisis Actor’ Isn’t a New Smear. The Idea Goes Back to the Civil War Era.

“It’s a perennial theme of segregationists that this activism is not sincere, that it’s not Americans advocating for their own rights but rather it’s a scam,” Mr. Kruse said. In his 1963 “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” defending nonviolent civil disobedience, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. described the tactic as an effort to silence African-American voices. “If our white brothers dismiss as ‘rabble rousers’ and ‘outside agitators’ those of us who employ nonviolent direct action, and if…

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Linda McMahon Gets a Ringside Seat for TrumpMania

WASHINGTON — It was fight night in Atlantic City — bright lights, big hair, foam fingers — and the luminaries were out in force: the not-yet-president, a future cabinet member, a Gotti-aligned Mafioso and Andre the Giant. Donald J. Trump, nominally the evening’s host, held court ringside, posing beside his first wife, Ivana, and glad-handing the high-rollers. Linda E. McMahon, a new business partner with promise, entertained sponsors off-camera, her company’s annual spectacle nearly ready for prime time. “Everybody…

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15 Claims From Donald Trump’s Speech to Conservatives, Fact Checked

Advertisement President Trump addressed a range of policy issues, from tax cuts to gun policy to immigration, at Friday’s annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference. Below is a look at some of the facts and figures he cited that were accurate, false or could use some additional context. “We have passed massive, biggest in history, tax cuts and reforms … for 45 years nothing has been passed.” False. The $1.5 trillion in tax cuts that Mr. Trump…

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Over 100 Charges, 19 People and 3 Companies: The Mueller Inquiry, Explained

Advertisement In the nine months since Robert S. Mueller III was appointed to oversee the investigation into possible links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, he has issued more than 100 criminal counts against 19 people and three companies. Of the 19 people, five — including three Trump associates — have pleaded guilty. Thirteen are Russians accused of meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Here is an assessment of the charges and the people facing them in the…

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Indicted Missouri Governor Resists Pressure to Resign

With his police booking photo plastered across the front pages of Missouri newspapers on Friday, Mr. Greitens sought to portray the indictment as a politically motivated miscarriage of justice orchestrated by Kimberly M. Gardner, the Democratic prosecutor in St. Louis who brought the case before a grand jury. A contingent of allies of Mr. Greitens in the State Republican Party remained supportive on Friday, or stayed silent on the matter. “Missourians should see this for what it is, a…

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Still Glad You Voted Trump? At CPAC, Conservatives Had an Answer

As it happens, Mr. Cruz, the Republican senator from Texas who was once Mr. Trump’s primary opponent and the object of his taunts, apparently believes everything is going swimmingly. He spoke glowingly on Thursday about the administration’s accomplishments. And in an interview before he took the stage, Mr. Cruz ran through the policies that pleased him the most. Regulatory reform, Mr. Cruz said, was “an unalloyed success” for the president. The judges Mr. Trump has appointed were “a home…

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