Trump Endorses G.O.P. Fight to Keep Gerrymandered Congressional Map


President Trump speaking on Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md.

Pete Marovich for The New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Trump added his voice on Saturday to the continued conservative outcry over the court-ordered redistricting of the Pennsylvania congressional map, calling the decision “very unfair to Republicans and to our country.”

“Democrat judges have totally redrawn election lines in the great State of Pennsylvania,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter. “This is very unfair to Republicans and to our country as a whole. Must be appealed to the United States Supreme Court ASAP!”

The Supreme Court this month denied a request from Pennsylvania Republicans to stop the state’s highest court from requiring lawmakers to redraw the map of the state’s 18 House districts. The new map, released by the state court this past week, effectively eliminates the Republican advantage in Pennsylvania, endangering several incumbent Republican seats and bolstering Democrat standings in two open races.

Pennsylvania is typically a swing state in statewide elections, and the new map, if it stands, could play a crucial role in efforts by the Democratic Party to gain control of the House in the midterm elections.

In January, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, ruling along party lines, struck down the congressional district map. The court said its partisan gerrymandering “clearly, plainly and palpably” violated the state constitution, and stepped in to draw the map when Republicans and Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, could not agree on a version.

Republican lawmakers in the state have refused to accept the court’s decision, asking the Supreme Court to again intervene and block the court-ordered map from taking place. They have also filed a federal lawsuit in Pennsylvania, arguing that the state court violated its constitutional authority by getting rid of the old map and drawing a new one.

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